Ep 29 Vitamin S with Tanya

Welcome back to Sex Magic, with Illy and her special guest Tanya, for an adventure into the realm of passion, creativity and self discovery. The only thing that over shadows the non stop humor in this episode is the deeply profound spiritual wisdom. From being a musician to working in the sex industry, Tanya deprograms unworthy stereotypes and dogmas with the light of conscious living and her own unique badassery.

You’ll be amazed at the feminism she witnesses in the porn industry. The comradery there is in alignment with the shifts we’re finally seeing in the world. Being open and honest with ourselves, is paramount to connecting with our higher selves and authenticity. Tanya talks about the journey of self work and how it makes the world a better place. And we’re better to the people in our lives in the process. Discover the power in yourself that only comes from within, not from what you’re doing or who your with. From allowing ideas to flow creatively to guilt free self reliance, Tanya is unapologetic in owning herself.

"You're only ever in competition with yourself." - Tanya pours soul into this episode. You can find her on her IG page here. Enjoy the photos by Illy below and in the gallery.

Welcome back to Sex Magic, with Illy and her special guest Tanya, for an adventure into the realm of passion, creativity and self discovery. The only thing that over shadows the non stop humor in this episode is the deeply profound spiritual wisdom. From being a musician to working in the sex industry, Tanya deprograms unworthy stereotypes and dogmas with the light of conscious living and her own unique badassery. From female comradery in the porn industry to learning how to get out of your own way, we're reminded to connect with our authenticity. "You're only ever in competition with yourself."