The Whys and Hows of Domination

One of the things most people think about when they hear the name Domination University is Sex. Sex is great. We have dirty minds too so no judgement. But the word "Domination" has also been charged with the notion of ruling another person, sexually or otherwise. Domination University however is about ONE thing, ruling oneself. Why would we even need to rule another person?! After all, we are all one. Cliche as it may sound, it's a timeless notion present in all the world's wisest teachings. We come from one source and when we die everything we know of ourselves, soul or matter or both, returns to the place(s) we know of or think we know of as our creator(s), Earth or God or the Universe or whatever story you've subscribed to.

Rather than dominate another person, why not lend a hand, ear,  share one's strength, collaborate, explore or even just brainstorm. Domination University having gone back to the ritual of collaboration is a tribe. More specifically, Dom U is a sisterhood. Right now, us female identifying creatures need to band together. Any notion of female competitiveness was forged by the patriarchy. Don't believe it. By the way we love men. Men are awesome. In fact, if it wasn't for men, Dom U would be recorded on a cell phone with a shitty sound mix. (love ya Nick)

Women share a common thread though, in the history of the earth and a collective pain body described best by Eckhart Tolle and the #Metoo movement.  At Dom U, we're seekers. We're light workers. We've learned to let go of some of the darkest remnants of pain and suffering that an old soul might carry. Fortunately for all us witches, it's 2018, Dom U operates on the West side of the United States, headquarters in the Republic of California, Los Angeles to be exact. On the west coast we don't have to worry about being "weird." We practice energy work with dignity despite the world's chaos and long history of human disfunction and spiritual distortion. 

That is why we are here. We all have our stuff. We are all peeling back "layers of the onion" whether you're a Christian, Muslim, Pagan, Yogi. You can't deny life the arena you chose to join. But you can choose the game and you can choose the tempo. At Domination University, we live hard and fast. We watch and we put intention into awakening to the depths of who we are, because we choose accelerated evolution now. We choose to hold the reigns. We choose kindness. We choose respect. We honor our truth and your's too. We choose to harness and channel the power that has always been ours to hold, the ability to dominate our fears and move through them and create with the rhythm of the universe. Domination.