Divided We Fall
Rounding out the special series Uniting 2020, I had interviewed some very powerful voices. All of them lean left however, just like I do, more and more each day. This is in contrast to my conservative upbringing. And thus, it seemed proper to bring a conservative voice on the podcast and interview. Not an easy task I imagined, of the space that would need to be held to really honor their perspective without condemnation. As most of us know, talking politics with people who think differently has become harder and harder. Have you unfollowed anyone of FB recently? It’s hard not to get upset at someone else’s ignorance or naivety when the repercussions hold us back as a society. As much as we need empathy and to simply listen and allow someone to speak their truth, it has become difficult within the webs woven which polarize us as a nation. As it turned out, finding a conservative to interview on Dom U was also challenging. One of the people who was lined up even back out, convinced her job security would be at stake if her employer found out she was a conservative.
This saddened me as I hold the person mentioned in high regard. This was not the type of person deserving of cancel culture or any other karma. But being a conservative in California was something she did not feel safe being public about. Under these circumstances, I was determined to find a way to build bridges. It didn’t seem proper to not extend an invitation to hear other’s political perspectives with all the energy I had put into politics this year. For more on that listen to Ep. 48 Birth and Rebirth or the Act Daily Blog.
Enter the survey. Somewhat impulsively, I decided to create a political survey aimed at understanding the more granular details of why conservatives think the way they do. I compiled a list of questions meant to be objective and not like a liberal wrote them. I sent them to every vocal Trump supporter on my FB page. Shortly afterwards, it felt right to send it to my liberal friends in addition.
As the surveys came back I was treated with a wealth of information. Each survey provided a window into people’s political psyches’. I could see the connections from thoughts to beliefs to ideology. People impressed me though, even the people I disagreed with. Everything made sense in regard to how they had formulated their opinions. I realized then that so many conversations I have had in the past were futile. Walls come up easily and it’s hard to maneuver into productive conversations. Some people did lack empathy though in certain areas, speaking as objectively as possible. However, their rational made sense. It was hard love compounded by the way the media spins it.
There was a lot of crossover, however. That was the liberating thing about it. This crossover between conservatives and liberals provide the details that should be discussed in making policy. Actual policy isn’t discussed nearly as much as it should be, especially as one group bashes the other and so on. People are often raised with their allegiance to a particular party. Often times that allegiance has more to do with disgust for the “other” rather than actual earned loyalty. I saw that in the surveys as well, classic descriptions of the “others” as described in polarizing media.
In charged or potent conversations sometimes, it feels like you’re up shit creek without a paddle. Our ability to listen is central to riding the current of progress. We must be mindful of the ego, no matter how woke you think you are. The orientation of rightness and the tendency to defend our own beliefs, is engrained in our survival instincts. Asking questions can be an artform however. The right questions can manifest the paddles needed to maneuver through difficult conversations. It can crack away at the darkness, allowing the light to break through the defensive faculties of our conscious minds. One of the biggest wins of this “social experiment” if you will, was that I didn’t have an agenda other than to make people’s voices feel safe and welcome. I had and have zero objective to convince them of my beliefs. My ego was put in time out. Two, as I carefully formulated these questions I did so to understand the ideological foundations. In answering these questions people had to open up to their own voice, their own inner thought process. This is core to self-understanding. Especially when you articulate yourself in writing, you get to strengthen or challenge yourself. It becomes a mini mindfulness exercise like journaling. A lot of people really enjoyed filled out the surveys. Multiple people described it as fun.
Funny though, I didn’t do the survey myself. No one asked me to. Yet without even giving my opinion, I feel like I am the one most rewarded in this experience. It was a treat to read every answer of every survey. It fuels my sense of duty as a citizen of the US to remind us that Washington works for us, NOT the other way around. Most of us feel disconnected from the “system” and forced to choose from the lesser of two evils. But it is that way because we allow it. We allow this 2 party system to rule America. We allow bought and paid for, career politicians. We allow the agendas to blast into our consciousness from propaganda machines. And we allow ourselves to be divided. But WE have the ability to transform our world. It may take time, it may take effort, persistence, but the power will always belong to the people. If it didn’t, why would so much energy be spent dividing us…
Below you will find some of the questions and answers submitted. Special thank you to everyone who participated. FJR
“Do you identify as a Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative or other and if so what do you feel most aligned with?
Jordan: I identify as a Republican. However, not all conservative beliefs. I mostly align with limited government and my constitutional rights. I am all for working hard and earning my money. I do not agree with the pro-life standpoint or the disagreement on gay marriages. I guess I’m considered a new generation republican.
“When you think of people affiliated with a different political party than you, what do you think draws them to that party? For ex. Liberal party if you identify as conservative. Either if you identify as independent.
Anonymous, Liberal Voice: Rhetoric and Misinformation
“How do you feel about the Media? Is there a Media outlet you trust?
Jordan, Conservative Voice: The media is insane on both sides. I wish there was a 100% fact-based media. I don’t watch any of that BS and I never will.
“What are the top political issues that concern you? Are there any deal breaker issues, ie. Prolife or Pro LGBTQ? Feel free to elaborate. Feel free to describe some of the headlines that have affected you on an emotional level.
Courtney Progressive Independent Voice: Money /corruption in politics; human rights issues ( shouldn’t be political); health care; environmental issues. BLM/LGBTQ+ rights –deal breaker
“What are the top political issues that concern you? Are there any deal breaker issues, ie. Prolife or Pro LGBTQ? Feel free to elaborate. Feel free to describe some of the headlines that have affected you on an emotional level.
Gene Liberal Voice: Subsidies for the rich and rugged individualism for the poor.
“When you think of people affiliated with a different political party than you, what do you think draws them to that party? For ex. Liberal party if you identify as conservative. Either if you identify as independent.
Courtney, Progressive Independent Voice: Conservatives/Republican seem to be drawn because of racism, sexism, etc; certain religious beliefs; guns; and the strange desires to protect wealth they don’t have ( wishful thinking I guess)
“Do you think you can trust the government? If you were to give Washington a grade, A-F, what would that be? FDo you blame politicians current or past for the present state of the economy? Feel free to elaborate.
Bryan, Libertarian Socialist Voice: Both. The 40+ past years of neoliberalism has created corporate socialism for the rich and harsh capitalism for the working class and poor.
“What are your thoughts on health care from the perspective of it being free like emergency services, firefighters and police etc. versus being privatized and an individual responsibility?
Do you think it’s appropriate for the government to provide any safety nets like when people lose their jobs or if they can’t afford private insurance due to income restrictions?
Anonymous Conservative : To be honest it should be free or much cheaper than it is now. I feel like that’s a pipe dream unfortunately.
“Which candidate has earned your vote this election and why?
Anonymous Conservative: Ugh. Not Biden so I guess trump
“Do you think the government should oversee tech companies more?
Specifically Amazon, Facebook, Google?
Paul, Conservative Voice. Absolutely! The mentioned companies are great and are very successful businesses. They employ many and provide good paying jobs. However, they are destroying economical competition and are destroying small businesses. The average American who has the dream of being a business owner is slipping away at a high rate of speed.
“How do you feel about the Media? Is there a Media outlet you trust?
Bryan Libertarian Socialist Voice: Tabloid sensationalism. I prefer RT and Al Jazeera news networks.
“When you think of people affiliated with a different political party than you, what do you think draws them to that party? For ex. Liberal party if you identify as conservative. Either if you identify as independent.
Anonymous Progressive Voice: I think that people are drawn to the Republican Party due to it aligning with their religious views (in some ways) and with their worldview. For example, protection of property is a key value for the GOP. This fits with the view of evangelicals as stewards of the land and wealth that God has bestowed upon them.
“Do you believe racism is a societal problem that should be addressed by education, affirmative
action, employee training or anything else?
Anonymous Conservative: I believe it all starts in the home. Racism is taught
not an inherited trait. I believe there should be training when warranted. I also believe the
media needs that training on how to report it. Not everything is a race issue which the
media loves to do. It generates ratings. I believe the media is dividing this Country.
“Do you think that the economic market runs most efficiently when there is the least amount of government interference, moderate amount or significant government over sight?
Anonymous Progressive Voice: Define “most efficiently.” My definition of efficiently would definitely include not causing harm to citizens and the environment and would therefore require at least moderate government oversight. Unfortunately, corporations and companies do not seem to make choices for the good of the people without government oversight. The bottom line tends to rule. If that changes, than government oversight can change. The poor and the uninformed are worthy of a life free of cancer and polluted water just so that a corporation makes a buck or two more.
“What are your thoughts on health care from the perspective of it being free like emergency
services, firefighters and police etc. versus being privatized and an individual responsibility?
Do you think it’s appropriate for the government to provide any safety nets like when people lose
their jobs or if they can’t afford private insurance dure to income restrictions?
Clifton, Libertarian Voice: “I think there should be a socialist healthcare system and an option for private insurance to those who can afford it and prefer it. Win win situation.”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the greatest, 1 being relatively no concern, does climate change concern you?
If you find climate change concerning, whose role is it to steer climate action?
Megan, Progressive Voice: 100.
Again, businesses have proven that they won’t do the right thing to protect the environment. Oil and coal companies wanna make money so they gotta slam clean energy. They give money to the politicians who support them. Therefore, the government has to step in and do things like Fuel Economy and Emission Standards. The government should incentivize clean energy (solar, wind) The Trump administration has rolled back SO MANY environmental standards. This works out GREAT in the short term. The economy booms, people make money. But it’s terrible long term thinking. We only have one planet, after all! We need to transition away from fossil fuels and towards green energy. The government could help make this happen.
“What do you attribute the most controllable reasons people have success and happiness in their
Clifton, Libertarian Voice: “Being present in their life, not comparing themselves to others and controlling the things you can