Posts tagged coronavirus wellness
Quarantine Convenience and the Pursuit to Unplug

This blog is more than a time capsule, day 68 of lock down in LA. It’s a pursuit for balance and information in a sea of misinformation. The digital age is an era unprecedented, but the egos remain the same, just with more platforms to speak from. Polarizing interpretations contrast with attempts to be humble and open minded. Things have been frustrating to say the least. Wearing masks becomes complex and the threads of society are threatened by a different type of fever, cabin fever.

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Tap dat Thymus

In times like these, I’d like to share my favorite immune strengthening hack, the thymus thump. If you are familiar with EFT and other tapping techniques or Chinese Medicine in general, you may already know about it. Our body has different energy centers and meridians. That is why acupuncture has worked for centuries. Science is just starting to catch on.

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